Legal Migration and Mobility Legal Migration and Mobility
Completed Completed

Specific area: LM - Labour Migration

Duration: July 2012 - December 2014

Experts involved: Belgium, Benin, France

Togo, a small francophone West African country neighboured by Benin, Burkina Faso and Ghana, is characterised by important migration outflows due to widespread poverty, poor economic conditions and political instability.

During the West and Central Africa II MIEUX Action in 2012, Togo joined the Operational African Repertoire of Jobs and Professions (ROAME), a programme initially formed by Benin, Cameroon, Mali and Senegal. ROAME aims at developing a common nomenclature of jobs, and facilitating labour migration in the region.

In order to improve management of labour migration at national level and increase the integration of Togo into the ROAME, the Agence Nationale pour l’Emploi - ANPE (National Agency for Employment) requested support from MIEUX. This Action contributed to enhance operational capacities of the ANPE, produce guidelines on labour migration as well as exchange on practices from the EU and West African national administration perspectives.