MIEUX (MIgration EU eXpertise) is poised to conclude its 15-year journey at the end of March 2024. Over the past 15 years, MIEUX has supported regional organisations, national ministries, local authorities, parliamentary bodies, judicial actors, and civil society organisations in improving the governance and management of migration and mobility.
As an EU Facility for knowledge exchange between the European Union and institutions in Africa, Asia, European Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods and Latin America and the Caribbean, MIEUX+ has received more than 190 requests to work on any topic related to migration, sourcing the knowledge required from European Public Administrations, the academic and the private sector. Launching operations in 2009, the facility owes its success to three essential features: working on a demand-driven basis, reacting quickly to requests, and fostering peer-to-peer exchange of knowledge.
More than 100 countries across the world have benefited from capacity building activities delivered by 465 migration experts, nationals from EU 27 Member States and the United Kingdom. In addition, 33% of migration experts deployed were nationals of countries outside the EU.
A joint EU-ICMPD Initiative
MIEUX is a joint initiative funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The Project Steering Committee provides overall coordination and is tasked with reviewing and approving the requests for assistance. The Committee is composed of the European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), the European External Action Service (EEAS), the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations 9DG NEAR) and the ICMPD MIEUX team.
Activities and Actions
MIEUX projects start with a request from a partner country; a sequence of activities are chosen and together, they form an "Action". The main priorities and needs of the partner country are taken into account while ensuring the complementarity of the intervention to ongoing and past projects on migration governance and management in the country and in the region.
Examples of activities include:
- International and regional-level conferences and workshops
- Knowledge exchange sessions presenting practices from the
EU Member States in all areas of migration - Study visits to the
EU Member States and beyond - Training curricula, handbooks and policy development
- Training sessions
The interactive map will help you find ongoing and completed MIEUX+ projects or "Actions" across the world.
MIEUX has sourced expertise in all areas of migration management and governance. Cross-cutting areas of migration governance are included under Horizontal interventions.

Migration and Development

Irregular Migration and Trafficking in Human Beings

Legal Migration and Mobility

International Protection and Asylum Policy