Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings
Completed Completed

Specific area: IMT - Border Management and Security

Duration: April 2021 - July 2021

Experts involved: EU MS / Regional experts

The Dominican Republic (DR) is a country of origin, transit and destination with regards to migration. Together with Haiti, the DR shares an island which land border contains over 100 unofficial crossing points, remaining porous and largely unmonitored. Hence, border management and illicit trafficking and smuggling remain a challenge and a priority for the country. In this context, they National Institute for Migration requested assistance from MIEUX+

This third MIEUX Action in the country aimed at enhancing the knowledge and capacity of public officials of the General Directorate for Migration (DGM), the Specialised Body in Land Border Management (CESFRONT in Spanish) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX in Spanish) on migration questions of relevance to the Dominican Republic. The capacity was built through the organisation of webinars on various topics such as legal framework and best practices of the EU's border management system or land border management.