01 December 2020

Case studies

New Procedures for Protecting Victims of Trafficking

Jordan is a country of both emigration and immigration flows, and its econom-ic development is tightly coupled with the regional dynamics of migration and mobility. It is also a high-profile destination for women, men, girls and boys from Asia and Africa who are subjected to trafficking for forced labour and domestic servitude in the country. Conscious of the need to strengthen its legal and infra-structural set-up for the protection of VoTs, the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) established its first permanent shelter for the protection of Victims of Trafficking in 2016, soon followed by another.

For this second Action in Jordany, the MoSD requested support from MIEUX to develop SOPs and guiding principles for two VoT shelters in Amman to address shortcomings, such as the length of stay in the shelter, type of support available, language barriers and timely deliv-ery of support.

Find out more about this Action by downloading and/or previewing the case study!


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