As a well-established global migration programme, MIEUX builds capacities and promotes the exchange of knowledge between the EU and more than 120 countries worldwide. A joint EU-ICMPD initiative, MIEUX started in 2009, acting as a laboratory of practices and creating targeted solution for partners. To celebrate the first 10 years of the programme, MIEUX has released the publication “Building Bridges – Capacity building on migration and the MIgration EU eXpertise – 2009-2019”, available in English, French and Spanish.
What is it about?
“Building Bridges” commemorates the first decade of implementation by summarising the achievements and impact of the initiative and its role in building bridges between public officials, practitioners and institutions in Europe and partner countries.
Ralph Genetzke, Director of the ICMPD Brussels mission, summarised MIEUX’s relevance during the online launch event, “MIEUX has offered practical solutions to governments around the world for over ten years. Now more than ever, governments and practitioners are seeking answers to the question of how; how to respond to the COVID-19 crisis; how to ensure inclusive access to services; how to strike a balance between security and private life; how to reach vulnerable populations; and how to ensure migrants are part and parcel of the response. MIEUX will continue to share those “hows”, or practices, that institutions have developed to face the challenges ahead.”
A publication suited to different audiences
The publication provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of the features and impact of the MIEUX Initiative, including a review of its practices, which have been developed, piloted, adjusted and calibrated to the priorities and interests of all the stakeholders involved during its first decade of operations (2009 – 2019).
- The first section, “MIEUX and its features” describes the main components of the programme and is useful for those readers who are not familiar with it.
- The second section “MIEUX in context” enables readers to understand MIEUX’s evolution together with major developments in migration governance and global trends in Irregular Migration and Trafficking in Human Beings, Legal Migration and Mobility, International Protection/Asylum Policy and Migration and Development, key areas of interest for MIEUX since 2009. It is especially useful for those readers who wish to understand the significance of the programme in relation to other macro trends in global migration over the last decade.
- The third section, “MIEUX in Action” will feature an analysis of the concept of practices as well as MIEUX’s deliverables across four major areas of delivery with a selection of 16 MIEUX Actions by country and topic. The latter are offered as case studies to provide detail as to the context; background and impact derived from MIEUX’s intervention logic and are particularly suitable for practitioners wishing to obtain in-depth information about how a MIEUX Action works on the ground.
Download the publication in: English | French | Spanish
A milestone for MIEUX
As said by Francesco Luciani, Head of Unit B3, Migration, Development (European Commission): “MIEUX is based on the conviction that capacity building goes beyond direct benefits to the beneficiary entities. It is also a catalyst for partnerships, contributing to the exchange of expertise within multi-stakeholder and diversified frameworks.”
The successful implementation of the three consecutive phases of MIEUX (December 2008-April 2020) has been consolidated and complemented with its new phase called MIEUX+ (April 2020-April 2023). This new chapter capitalises on lessons learnt and recommendations to be pursued in the following years such as:
- Capacity building as a catalyst for partnerships
- Capacity building to foster whole-of-government approach
- Capacity building as a means to nurture understanding and establish collaborative practices
- Capacity building builds bridges through peer-to-peer engagements
- Capacity building as a means to deal with the complexity of migration, including in the post-COVID-19 era
MIEUX 2009 - 2019
Operating across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean or the EU Neighbourhood, and with a wide variety of actors, MIEUX (named MIEUX+ since April 2020) has allowed States to benefit from European expertise in all areas of migration, thus enhancing migration governance at various levels.
MIEUX has contributed to building bridges between the EU and partner countries by enhancing the understanding of migration and narratives; brought together various stakeholders to set national and regional migration goals; supported the establishment of institutional cooperation frameworks; equipped partners with tailor-made practices, solutions and policies; and, in general, initiated and developed new opportunities for cooperation.
By delving into MIEUX’s portfolio of 100+ interventions and presenting the highlights to the readers, the publication offers a glimpse of the broad range of tools, methodologies and approaches that can inspire public officials as well as migration and development practitioners in general to advance towards a cooperative and sustainable international architecture of migration.
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