ICMPD support the Central African Republic government in the promotion of migration management

The European Union (EU), together with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), has launched a new project to support the Government of the Central African Republic in the area of migration management.

The project, which is implemented within the framework of the MIgration EU eXpertise (MIEUX) Initiative, has been initiated at the request of the Ministry of Interior, Public Security and Territorial Administration of the Central African Republic.

The purpose of the first activity, which took place in Bangui between 13- and 17 March 2017, was to collect accurate information on the recent governmental shifts in mandates and portfolios of the institutions in the Central African Republic, with the aim to obtain a solid insight into the new Government’s vision and objectives in the field of migration and more specifically to assess the training needs of the government agencies in the area of migration.

The MIEUX team and the experts from Belgium and Mali have met with the central authorities responsible for migration management in the Central African Republic, including the Ministry of Interior, Public Security and Territorial Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Central Africans Abroad, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization as well as some international organisations. The discussions revolved around current realities, gaps and needs related to migration management. The final day provided the opportunity for a common debriefing with all the involved actors and to discuss the next steps within the MIEUX initiative.

Going forward, the MIEUX team will develop further activities and propose the thematic sessions for this project, based on the outcomes and the analysis of the MIEUX experts as well as the views of the relevant stakeholders.

MIEUX is a peer-to-peer experts’ facility that supports partner countries and regional organisations in better managing migration and mobility through the provision of rapid, tailor-made assistance upon request. Since 2009, more than 100 countries across the world have benefited from MIEUX capacity building activities delivered by more than 300 experts.

More information on the project in the Central African Republic