6 ways MIEUX is fighting against Trafficking in Human Beings

Now in its 11th year, the EU Anti-Trafficking Day serves as an occasion to highlight ongoing work against this phenomenon, considered to be a grave violation of human rights and a serious form of organised crime by international standards. Currently, about 20% of MIEUX’s ongoing projects are focused on fighting against trafficking in human beings through several strands of cooperation.

From developing training curriculums for staff at city or national level, to promoting judicial cooperation at interregional level, MIEUX’s range of activities are making a positive impact on institutions around the world. Take a look at the list below for some highlights of what we are supporting partner countries with:


1. Thailand: Targeted assistance to vulnerable groups

The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security wishes to enhance the capacities and capabilities of the Thai authorities to both prevent and provide targeted assistance to victims of THB, in line with human rights standards. In line with this request, MIEUX will develop a comprehensive capacity building programme to train Thai authorities in THB and children; applying a gender perspective to THB; and identifying and treating the psychosocial trauma of victims. 

2. Timor-Leste: Investigation against THB 

The Migration Service of the Ministry of Interior requested support from MIEUX to enhance the capacities of Timorese public authorities to apply international standards and good practices in fighting against THB and conducting investigation of THB-related offences. MIEUX will develop a Training Handbook on Investigation and Case Preparation of THB Offences for general consultation, as well as practical notes that can be used on a daily basis by operational staff while on duty.


3. Peru: Developing Training curriculum on fighting smuggling of migrants

The Ministry of Interior in Peru has requested assistance from MIEUX on three separate occasions to work on irregular migration topics such as THB and smuggling of migrants (SOM). Currently, MIEUX is supporting the Ministry by developing a set of Inter-Sectoral Guidelines for a comprehensive institutional and operational approach to fight smuggling of migrants (SOM), and by designing a tailor-made training curriculum on prevention, protection and reintegration of THB victims as well as prosecution. 

4. LAC and EU: Enhance inter-regional judicial cooperation on THB

22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Spain, Portugal and Andorra participate in the Ibero-American Network for International Legal Cooperation, (IberRed). The network aims at optimising the instruments of civil and criminal judicial assistance and at strengthening cooperation between actors in the judicial sector.

 Following a request by the IberRed member ‘Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors’ Offices (AIAMP)’ and in partnership with AECID and UNODC’s programme ‘Global Action to Prevent and Address Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants’ (GLO.ACT), MIEUX is supporting IberRed in drafting a revised version of the “Protocol for Inter-institutional Cooperation to Strengthen Investigation, Attention and Protection of Victims of Trafficking in Persons among Ibero-American Public Prosecutor’s Offices”. 


5. Ghana: Detection, Investigation and Referral of THB Victims

 The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) requested assistance to strengthen the capacities and knowledge of the main authorities engaged on the identification, referral, and prevention of trafficking in human beings, namely, their entry-level and mid-level officers stationed at entry points and headquarters and their trainers as well as officials from the Police Service, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Protection.

In order to fulfil this request, MIEUX is supporting the development of a training module on THB using a victim-centred and human rights-based approach for up to 40 junior and mid-level officials and trainers. 


6. Jordan: Local-level Operations Support at two shelters for THB victims

Wishing to enhance the possibilities for rehabilitation and (re)integration of victims of human trafficking into society, the Ministry of Social Development has requested assistance from MIEUX to draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to enhance staff operations and services for up to 40 members of staff working in two THB victim protection centres in Amman. 

Background information


MIEUX is a joint initiative funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) whose Actions are designed in line with the four pillars of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM), the second one being on “prevention and reduction of irregular migration and trafficking in human beings”.

 As a capacity development programme, MIEUX supports the EU’s efforts to combat against this trafficking in human beings by providing tailor-made assistance to public institutions from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and the EU Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood to enhance their abilities in prevention, protection and assistance to victims as well as prosecution.

EU Anti Trafficking Day

The European Commission commemorates the victims of Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) each 18 October since 2007. The EU’s Anti Trafficking Day’s purpose is to raise awareness on THB and increase the exchange of information, knowledge and best practices amongst the different actors working in this field. EU Presidencies, European Commission and the EU Member States all organise activities to mark the occasion. Find out more on the EU Anti Trafficking website

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