Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings Irregular Migration/Trafficking in Human Beings
Completed Completed

Specific area: HO - Data Management, HO - Training Capacities Development, IMT - Border Management and Security

Duration: November 2012 - July 2014

Experts involved: United Kingdom, Austria, Hungaria, Slovenia, Italy

Rwanda has been achieving constant economic growth in recent years, despite social and economic challenges. However, borders are usually situated in difficult areas, and their control is even more complex due to the very important population density in Rwanda and neighbouring regions. Nonetheless the country has put forth significant efforts to improve its border management system.

To support this, the Directorate General for Immigration and Emigration (DG I&E) requested MIEUX’s technical assistance to improve the capacity building system of border officers, with the perspective of achieving Integrated Border Management (IBM) goals and strengthen data collection, and the processing and analysing of mechanisms.

The collaboration led to enhanced knowledge of DGIE staff members in the areas of criminal investigation and migration-related crimes and the DGIE received recommendations to improve migration data management. More significantly, the capacity building system was enhanced through the strengthening of its staff’s skills in training preparation, delivery and evaluation and through the production of a Training development manual, an outline of the training curriculum for border immigration officers and front desk managers and a training strategy and its corresponding action plan.